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The Association warmly welcomes new members.

The Aims of the Old Masonians Association -
To keep alive the memory of the Royal Masonic School, Bushey (formerly at Wood Green) and to encourage
interest in the education of persons educated by the Royal Masonic Insitution for Boys or its successor.
To encourage friendly contact between Old Boys of the aforementioned School and between all members of
the Association.
To administer funds for the assistance of Old Boys of the School or other members of the Association who
may be in need. To undertake any activities in the interest of members generally.

A social programme is devised which includes three main events -

• A formal Annual Dinner (usually in March) at which the incoming President is formally installed –
the location changes each year to try to meet the needs of as many OMs as possible
• An informal lunch following the AGM (usually in June) – usually held in London
• A lunch, as guests of the OMGA, at Rickmansworth following the Remembrance Day service.
Branch Officers – even those outside the UK – are also encouraged to hold local events for local members
and visiting OMs. The guest lists often include widows of OMs and members of the OMGA.
There is also the Monday Club which serves as a focal point for those who work (or used to work) in London.
It tries to meet monthly and has an annual stag dinner (usually in November).
All these events and news from OMs are published in the annual OMA Gazette which is sent to every OM,
together with formal information such as contact details of the current Committee and reports of the minutes
of the AGM and associated accounts.
This website is also maintained to encourage discussion between OMs and the sharing of memories of days
spent at the School and their subsequent careers and life experiences.


To join please write to :-

Mr Andrew Foster

45 Hartford Road




United Kingdom


The subscription is £20 for a single year or any multiple of £20 for multi-year membership.
Standing orders are preferred - details from the Registrar.
Cheques are only accepted now in exceptional circumstances. The best method is a bankers standing order.
You can get an application/standing order form in Word, .pdf or Plain Text format using the links below.
If you select the text version you will have to print it using your browsers print option.

Download Microsoft Word (2003) version of Enrolment Form
Download .pdf version of Enrolment Form
Text version of Enrolment Form for printing directly from your browser

If instead you choose to write to the Registrar please include your name and address, to which
your copy of the Gazette will be sent, as well as the school house you were in and the year
you left Bushey. Please also include your email address if you have one. Thankyou.


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